No tillage

No tillage

No-till defined as a system in which you don't till at all is hard to set-up in a root crop system or vegetable system where harvesting is done by heavy equipment and harvesting timing is defined by factory processing schedules. To implement a no-till system on your farm, you have to look at the whole system. Cover crops play a major part in this system. 


According to farmers testimonials and the results of studies, reduced tillage systems decreases the cost of production. The mechanization costs can be reduced, due to decrease of labor costs and equipment maintenance. However the system may require investments in specific equipment.

In the Netherlands the best results they had with no-till is by working with a one-disc or a three-disc system with more than 100 kg down pressure on the discs. 


In a no-till system, crop yields increase due to increased organic matter content. Farmers can take advantage of this increase by up to 5%. Its enhanced rooting system promotes higher soil infiltration. According to Toby et al, 2016, reducing tillage intensity increased farm-level gross margins and net energy potential while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Reduced tillage increases crop choice flexibility; this latter is increased by reducing work-rates for field preparation but reduced by preventing the growing of crops unsuited to reduced tillage.