Webinar: Een starterscursus over bomen opkweken van zaad (Engels)


10 november 2020



During this webinar, we will look at the propagation of mainly native trees from seed and welcome those (individual or community project) who would like to start growing trees from seed but have little or no experience of doing it. The focus will be on small-scale but all of the principles can be scaled up. The webinar will be delivered by Steve Wilson who believes that the role of individuals and community groups as seed savers is often under estimated - Steve explains why in this one hour webinar!

Some of what we will cover includes:

  • Identifying the right trees to grow from
  • When to harvest
  • Stratifying seed and how to create the right conditions for successful germination

Steve Wilson is a grower and teacher from West Wales with a special interest in grafting, tree propagation, vegetable growing and hot composting. He runs workshops in the community and for organisations.

This event is delivered as part of the Welsh Learning Network and FABulous Farmers programme.